
Valuation (Appraisal) Service

We satisfy every kind of valuation (appraisal) needs of our clients, in Japanese and in English. As we hold a member of Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), RICS compliant valuation reports are also available.
IVS compliant valuation reports are also available.

Types of assets

Residential properties
Commercial properties (office buildings, shopping centers, supermarkets, etc)
Lodging and recreational facilities, (hotels, golf courses, etc)
Health care properties (senior housings and hospitals, etc)
Industrial properties (factories, distribution centers)
Public utilities
Rent (market rent under new lease, rent under renewed lease) and others

Purpose for the valuation (examples)

Valuations for private sector:
For sale reference
Asset evaluation, Business combination, Financial reporting (including impairment loss), Secured lending, Securitization,
Corporate reorganization Law, Civil rehabilitation Law, Urban redevelopment and others.

Valuations for public sector:
Expropriation, Public notice of land prices (by MLIT), Land Price survey by prefectural governments,
Evaluation for inheritance tax (roadside land price), Fixed assets tax, court cases and others.

Location of Property

Japan and overseas

Procedures of Appraisal Service

Define scope of work according to the client’s needs

Presentation of quotation (valuation fee and timeline)


Acceptance of orders from clients and authorization of appraisal reports are entrusted to Managers in each Office, but specified orders such as large scaled property case, important case, or bulk case are required authorization by Managing Director in Tokyo Office.


Issue of Report
Explanation of the report 
Preparing appraisal reports in conformity with Appraisal Process regulated in Real Estate Appraisal Standard faithfully.
Basically, two or three real estate appraisers take in charge of the same case from assignment to preparation, but other staffs often support attachment of addenda and bookbinding.


・Consultation and management related to real estate issue;
・Real Estate Market analysis;
・Real estate investment’s feasibility study;
・Investment risk analysis;
・Corporate Real Estate (CRE),
・Valuation of Enterprises and Businesses
・Arrangement of valuation reports of property in overseas (local reports)
・Consulting about Brazilian real estate (all the consulting issues listed above are available)

Translation (Valuation report and others)

Translation of valuation reports in following languages


Translation of real estate related Portuguese documents into Japanese
(ex. Registro de imóveis, Contrato de prestação de serviços, opção de venda e intermediação imobiária, Contrato de Compra e Venda de imóvel, Contrato de Compra e Venda de imóvel Procuração, Contrato de Venda

Global Network

We always have been aware of globalization in real estate business and be prepared for new international trend and requirements.

Global Network

Our directors and officers have established good relationship with appraisal professionals from other countries over the years. Those network aresa/countries cover up countries in Asia, Pacific, Europe, and USA, Brazil and South Africa.
Also one of our officers maintains her activity as a researcher of Núcleo de Real Estate of University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil and has a broad network in Brazilian real estate industry and also researchers’ network worldwide.

International Valuation Standards (IVS)

International Valuation Standards (IVS) has been always our object of study and we hold several members who have good knowledge about the IVS.

Chartered Valuation Surveyor of Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)

We hold a Charted Valuation Surveyor (CVS) of Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).

Business Alliance

Pacific Appraisal Co. Ltd.